The Las Vegas Land & Water Company Records from the Las Vegas Valley Water District (1918-1989) are primarily comprised of contracts, correspondence, and maps that document the establishment of a water distribution system in Las Vegas, Nevada that would provide water using the state's Colorado River allocation. The records include water main extension agreements, correspondence, and bills of sale for water main construction, as well as articles and correspondence documenting the groundwater shortage in Las Vegas. The collection also includes maps for water distribution systems and pipelines throughout the Las Vegas Valley.
Archival Collection
Chart showing the available production, average daily consumption, and the maximum daily consumption of water from 1926 to 1944
List of monthly expenses and water revenue for the Las Vegas Land and Water Company for January - May of 1947. Original collection: Union Pacific Railroad Collection 97-19
The State of Nevada Water-Resources Reconnaissance Records (1935-1968) contain studies and appraisals of ground water resources in the lakes and valleys of various Nevada counties. The documents were created by the Nevada Division of Water Resources.
Archival Collection