Scale [ca. 1:63,360. 1 in. to approx. 1 mile]. Relief shown by contour lines. Includes inset location map of Water District. 'August 1960.' 'Plate 1.' Las Vegas Valley Water District
Relief shown by contour lines. Includes inset map showing the location of the Las Vegas Valley Water District Project. In lower left corner: 'Cole...O.' Boundary of Las Vegas Valley Water District marked in dark blue. Scale [ca. 1:126,720. 1 in. to approx. 2 miles
'United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation.' 'June 1976. Revised March 1981.' 'Map No. 952-300-203.' 'Exhibit I.' Includes inset location map for project area. Scale [ca. 1:126,720. 1 in. to approx. 2 miles] . United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation
'Office of Chief Engineer, Los Angeles, Cal., Feb. 16, 1905.' '2-18-17' hand-printed in lower right corner. Proposed pipeline is printed in red. Scale [1:6,000]. 1 inch to 500 feet. San Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad Company. Office of Chief Engineer
'T.E. Eakin, S.L. Schoff, and P. Cohen, 1963.' 'Department of the Interior, United States Geological Survey, TEI-833.' 'Prepared in cooperation with the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission.' Scale 1:500,000 (W 117°00´--W 115°00´/N 38°30´--N 36°30´). Originally published as figure 3 in Regional hydrology of a part of southern Nevada : a reconnaissance / by Thomas E. Eakin, Stuart L. Schoff, and Philip Cohen, published by the U.S. Geological Survey in 1963 as number 833 of the Trace elements investigation report.
'Exhibit A.' 'S.P.L.A.&.S.L.R.R., Los Angeles Division.' 'Approved, [signed] E.M. Jessup, E. M. of W.' 2-T-167A' hand-printed in lower right corner. Scale: 1 in. = 100 ft.
'Exhibit A. L.A. & S.L. R.R. Co., Los Angeles Division. Sept. 1919. 'Approved [signed] C.F. Miller, Div. Engr.' 'I-W-68' hand-printed in lower right corner. 'Audit No 3114" hand-printed in lower left margin. Scale 1 in. = 100 ft.
'Exhibit A.' 'S.P.L.A.&.S.L.R.R., Los Angeles Division.' 'Dec. 28, 1914.' 'Approved, [signed] E.M. Jessup, E.M. of W.' '2-T-168A' hand-printed in lower right corner. Scale: 1 in. = 100 ft.