Claes Oldenburg is an artist and scultpor resposnible for the Flashlight sculpture between the Artemus Ham Concert Hall and the Judy Bayley Theatre on the University of Nevada, Las Vegas campus. He was born in 1929 in Stockholm, Sweden. Because of his father's job as a diplomat, the family moved frequently between the United States and Norway until they settled down in Chicago, Illinois in 1936.
James Deacon was born at home in White, South Dakota. For the first few years of his life, the family moved around a lot to accommodate his father's job as school superintendent. Their summers were spent in a cabin on a lake, where Jim helped his grandparents in their store, seining minnows, clerking, and storing ice. From his eighth grade year through high school graduation, the family lived in Aberdeen, South Dakota.
Roberta Sabbath was born on December 23, 1943 in Richmond, Virginia. She received her bachelor's degree in French Studies from the University of Maryland, College Park in 1965 and married Dennis Sabbath in 1967. The couple spent two years in Chicago, Illinois before moving to Kodiak, Alaska in 1969 where she started an adult basic education program and a youth program. After about two years in Alaska, Sabbath and her husband moved to Las Vegas, Nevada.
Vida Chan Lin was born in San Francisco as the middle of five children--all given Spanish names because the family migrated to the U.S. via Chile. Vida began working as a young child in her immigrant parents' Chinese restaurant, but soon the family opened the first Yet Wah, and the Chan family restaurants eventually numbered eleven in the San Francisco area. Vida moved to Las Vegas in 1993 to help her sister and brother-in-law with legal issues.
Born in New York City, New York to two Korean immigrants, Rob Kim’s life has been one exemplifying dedication to hard work and an awareness of the world that surrounds him. Having spent a significant amount of his childhood working in the various stores his parents owned, Kim saw the sacrifices and labor of his parents as an influence on how he would go on to pursue his own goals.
A street on the Westside is named for Elgin Holbert's grandmother, Viola Cunningham, who was an early land owner. It is believed that in 2002 she donated the property for Madison School now renamed Wendell P. Williams Elementary School. Although from Eudora, Arkansas, a few miles from Mississippi, his parents are a mixed couple, mother is White and father, Black. His mother was treated well in the Westside community but was very private concentrating on rearing her children with little community interaction.
“Every Monday I will be at the union, like right now, helping the grievance team. If you’re asking for memories, no. It’s memories every day for me.”