From the Nye County, Nevada Photograph Collection (PH-00221) -- Series V. Smoky Valley, Nevada and Round Mountain, Nevada -- Subseries V.A. Carver, Carver-Duhme, and Carver-Book Families (Smoky Valley). In front in striped shirts are Gary and Dick Carver; in white shirts are Kenny and Roger Berg; in the back row wearing a hat is Jim Berg. The remainder of persons pictured are unidentified.
The official team photo of the Las Vegas High School Rhythmettes at the beginning of the 1955-56 season. Shown, from left to right (standing), are: Kathy Bergino, Carmen Ruggeroli, Kay Bollig, Nancy Blacker, Dee Trumble, Dorothy Damrow, Terry Jeffers, Marie Demetrops, Evelyn Lingo, and Ann Davis. Shown, from left to right (kneeling), are: Marilyn Wilber, Geraldine Thornton, Marilyn Reynolds, Margaret Ostler, Carol Ronnow and Donna Williams. Another member who is not shown is Cheryl Hoffman.