Letter to the Las Vegas Land and Water Company president about the cost of turning the Las Vegas Ranch into a demonstration ranch. The letter makes it very clear that the primary motivation in creating a demonstration ranch is the protection of their water rights.
A tribute video to Don English, longtime Las Vegas, Nevada photographer who worked for the Las Vegas News Bureau. Produced for LVCVA by Jim Rose/Laguna Productions. Video begins with a group of people walking around a room, talking amongst themselves. Individuals speak to the camera, thanking Don English for all his work and share memories they have of English, going out to Lake Mead and working together at the News Bureau. Individuals include Kathy Espin, Terry Lindberg, Frank Mitrani, Rick Newman, and many other coworkers and photographers. Video transitions to a speaker sharing a history of Las Vegas while black-and-white video of English shooting celebrities on location at hotels and casinos in the 1950s and 1960s. Others go on to stand and speak about English and his kindness, hard work, and what a wonderful worker he was. Video ends with a thank you to Frank Mitrani for organizing the event and other monthly events; appears to be a gathering of the Las Vegas Media Group that Mitrani co-founded and ran until 2017. Original media VHS, color, aspect ratio 4 x 3, frame size 720 x 486.
Archival Component
Local Allocations Recipients meeting minutes for the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas, Nevada, September 28, 1988.