Sherry Sigesmund, left, and Steve Kollins, President Of Ner Tamid, right, holding hands and exchanging a check.
From left to right: Barbara Kirsh, Debra Cohen, Liz Waters, Suzan Loeb, Eva Kallick, Joan Kreisler, Irene Perer.
Left to right: Fran Fine, Sherry Sigesmund, Roni Epstein, and unidentified
From left to right: unidentified; Brian Greenspun; Elain Galatz; Mike O'Callaghan; and unidentified
Typed text attached to front of image: "Melanie Greenberg, President; Judy Frank, Campaign Chairwoman; 1989 - $250,000."
Typed text attached to front of image: "Carolyn Goodman, President, 1980-1981"
Typed text attached to front of image: "Elaine Galatz, Campaign Chairwoman, $133,000; $155,000."
Typed text attached to front of image: "Judy Frank, President; 1985 - $174,000; 1986 - $370,000"
Typed text attached to front of image: "Liz Ackerman, President; 1977 - $130,000"
Typed text attached to front of image: "Edythe Katz, President." Left to right - Dorothy Eisenberg and Edythe Katz.