40 x 60 cm. Relief shown by hachures and spot heights. Prime meridians: Greenwich and Washington. Atlas plate numbers 54 and 55 in the upper corners. Shows forts, trails, exploration routes, drainage, mail steamship routes, physical features, Indian tribes, and historic sites. The geographic region of Southwest is referred to as the New Southwest. Original publisher: Johnson .
Typed onto a piece of paper attached to the image: "Howard Hughes and his four companions honored at the National Press Club. Howard Hughes is speaking, with Mayor La Guardia and Secretary of State Cordell Hull at lower right. July 1938."
Description given with photo: "Non-Stop Los Angeles - New York Flight Inaugurated New York -- Howard Hughes, pilot, and Joseph Bartles (right), relief pilot, at the controls of the TWA Constellation which inaugurated non-stop Los Angeles - New York flights when the ship landed at LaGuardia Airport Feb. 15. Hughes, famous flier and TWA executive, was at the controls during the flight made in 8 hours, 38 minutes. Many Hollywood luminaries made the first flight. Credit (ACME). 2-15-46."