The up close view of Howard Hughes and his crew of five posing on the steps of City Hall for photographs in New York City, New York. Crowds who gathered to celebrate Hughes' completion of his Round the World flight can be seen in the background.
Scale [ca. 1:3,231,360. 1 in. to approx. 51 miles] (W 125°00--W 103°30/N 42°00--N 31°45) ; 1 map : hand col. ; 40 x 60 cm., on sheet 46 x 68 cm ; Relief indicated by hachures and spot heights ; Prime meridians: Greenwich and Washington, D.C ; Decorative border ; Hand colored ; Atlas p. numbers in upper margin: 58-59 ; Date est. from territorial borders and county configuration ; Shows natural features, locations of Indian tribes, proposed railroad routes, routes of explorers, trails, county boundaries and populated places ; Johnson and Ward