Letter to the Nevada State Engineer refuting Buol's application for water from the Las Vegas Creek since the Las Vegas Springs were on private property and entirely appropriated on that property.
President John Brown posing in Boulder City, Nevada. It is unknown what Brown was President of. Individual Creators credit goes to W. D. Knighton Photo in Boulder City, Nevada.
Map of housing subdivision outside the Las Vegas city limits. 'Approved this 28 day of July1942, by the City Planning Commission of the City of Las Vegas, County of Clark, Nevada. Approved this 28 day of July 1942, by the County Planning Commission of the County of Clark, State of Nevada.' Blueline print. Oriented with north to the upper right. Embossed with Engineering Certificate seal of Frank D. Rathburn, which states. 'Survey completed August 4, 1942.' 'Book II, page 53' hand printed in lower right corner. Signed by Clark County, Nevada Notary Public and other coumty officials and officials of El Rancho Village. Published by Office of F.D. Rathbun. Scale [ca. 1:600]. 1 inch to 50 feet