From the Dennis McBride Photograph Collection (PH-00263) -- LGBTQ+ events and organizations in Las Vegas, Nevada -- Digital images file. Individuals identified by the donor, Dennis McBride: unidentified woman; Pat Spearman [Nevada State Senator, District 1, Democrat (African American; lesbian)]; Chris Miller [Chairman, Clark County Democratic Party (gay)]
The Gay Fiction Book Collection (1951-1976) is a small collection of fiction books published from the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s that have gay men as the lead characters or storylines that relate to the gay community. The majority of the books were published in San Francisco, California and were collected and donated by Dennis McBride.
Oral history interview with Wendy Butler conducted by Dennis McBride on May 23, 2007 for the Las Vegas Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Archives Oral History Project. In this interview, Butler discusses her involvement with the magazine Lesbian Voice in Las Vegas, Nevada. She recalls that other gay magazine publications at the time would not include women’s issues or representation. Butler describes the development of her publication by reaching out to a diverse group of gay people in Las Vegas, and addressing issues surrounding gay people. Lastly, Butler discusses how she advertised her magazine and branching out to find support outside of the gay community.