Costume Details: Showgirl in sleeveless vest in spotted-pony print with fringe across chest, red tights with spotted-pony print pockets, pony print cuffs, red cowboy boots with spurs, holster with gun around hips, white hat, red bag marked "Pony Express"; topless showgirl in spotted-pony print tights with red jewelled belt, red harness, red side-blinders, matching headpiece, feathered black "tail", headpiece with black feather "mane"; male cowboy costume of black trousers, white boots, red shirt with white bandana tied around the neck, spotted-pony print sleeveless vest, holster and gun around the hips; male Civil War era costume with kepi-style cap, trousers with side fringe, fringed long sleeved jacket tied at the waist with fringed sash. Show Name: Pony Express Site Name: Sahara Hotel and Casino