Depicted from left to right is Marilyn Wengert, Jimmie Wengert, Ward Wengert, Robert Wengert, and an unidentified girl sitting together at a birthday party. This photograph was taken sometime between 1929-1930. On the bottom of the photograph is, "Sep 60" which is most likely the date which this photograph was printed.
Women sit together on chairs in the grass of someone's front yard. Leva Beckley, holding Bruce Beckley, is seated in the front row, center. Virginia Keate, holding Virginia Beckley, is seated in the front row, far right. Middle row, left to right, are Hazel Williams, Carol Williams, Nelly Martin, and 4th from the left is Delphine "Mom" Squires.
From the Fedora Bontempi Simpkin Photograph Collection (PH-00239). Georgia Mae Thompson stands with her eleven children holding the award for Clark County Mother of the Year in 1978.
From the Nye County, Nevada Photograph Collection (PH-00221) -- Series V. Smoky Valley, Nevada and Round Mountain, Nevada -- Subseries V.D. Zaval Family (Smoky Valley and Round Mountain). Ethel, Mary, Edie, Nellie, Lottie, and Alvin (identified from left to right). Note the high-button shoes; girls are wearing long underwear.
School children making a snowman outside of the Fifth Street School. Handwritten note on photo sleeve: "Making our snowman- boy on left standing alone is Rulon Ostenson. I believe Rulon is an officer in the First State Bank in Las Vegas now (1975)."