74.1 Sentenial. ; 74.2 Dead Sheep Canyon. ; 74.3 Ridge Rock. ; 74.4 Photo of a mountain. ; 74.5 "Tallest and highest peak and ridge in the Sierra Nevadas"; aerial shot of a city. [probably Reno]. ; 74.6 Source of Little Falls, [above Mt. Charleston Lodge in park].
An image showing an aerial view of Boulder City. Varying components of the city, such as small shrubs and buildings, stand out against the rocky plains of the desert.
An aerial view of the Hoover Dam after construction. Two unidentified women can be seen in the forground, along with two water intake towers in the background.
During Ivanpah Solar's grand opening ceremonies, the project's partners' logos were created with the heliostats to be read from the observation level of Unit 1 power tower. They then recreated the logos so that they would read correctly from the air. These photos were the only aerial images taken over the project site on 13 February 2014.
During Ivanpah Solar's grand opening ceremonies, the project's partners' logos were created with the heliostats to be read from the observation level of Unit 1 power tower. They then recreated the logos so that they would read correctly from the air. These photos were the only aerial images taken over the project site on 13 February 2014.
During Ivanpah Solar's grand opening ceremonies, the project's partners' logos were created with the heliostats to be read from the observation level of Unit 1 power tower. They then recreated the logos so that they would read correctly from the air. These photos were the only aerial images taken over the project site on 13 February 2014.