66.1 Unidentified scout. ; 66.2 Baldy from M Dome. ; 66.3 Poker while you wait. Scouts on a camping trip. ; 66.4 Photo of scouts on an outing. ; 66.5 Scouts marching. ; 66.6 Lovers Lane. ; 66.7 Caught on Mt. Charleston, baby eagle.
67.1 Photo of a valley, see town. ; 67.2 Lucy Reid, 1919. ; 67.3 Photo of camp ; 67.4 Feather River. ; 67.5 Photo of camp. ; 67.6 Pass up my coat, photo showing landslides and snow. ; 67.7 Thelma. ; 67.8 Photo of some mountains.
70.1 Potosi dump. ; 70.2 Photo of a mountain, there is some type of building at the base. ; 70.3 Roughneck Mine. ; 70.4 Photo of an airplane. ; 70.5 Eagle Rock. ; 70.6 Art in trouble.
72.1 "Watch your step," photo of is some mountains. ; 72.2 Thelma, Lucy, Jazz, Margaurett and Roger. ; 72.3 Bugs, photo of a hillside. ; 72.4 Art Leday, 1919. Photo of him sliding down an ice hill. ; 72.5 Lucy, Don, Thelma. ; 72.6 Tillie, Don, Lucy.
74.1 Sentenial. ; 74.2 Dead Sheep Canyon. ; 74.3 Ridge Rock. ; 74.4 Photo of a mountain. ; 74.5 "Tallest and highest peak and ridge in the Sierra Nevadas"; aerial shot of a city. [probably Reno]. ; 74.6 Source of Little Falls, [above Mt. Charleston Lodge in park].
76.1 Relic Hall, fairgrounds ; 76.2 River scene, photo related to 75.1 ; 76.3 Some type of railroad car. ; 76.4 Four unidentified women. ; 76.5 Aspens, photo of trees. ; 76.6 Carlin, Nevada and P.F.E. Plant.\ ; 76.7 New and old hose, Carlin, Nevada.