Includes descriptions of the pilot project, revised budget, tour schedule, final report, and application to become a standing sustainer committee.
Archival Component
From the Clark County Economic Opportunity Board Records -- Series II: Projects. This folder contains various documents about Project Head Start and the program application from the Clark County School District to the Office of Economic Opportunity between March-April of 1965.
Essays on the Nevada MX Missile Project collection is dated to 1980 and is comprised of essays by various authors predicting the damage the MX Missile Project, a plan for a new intercontinental ballistic missile system, could do to Nevada. The majority of the essays were published in the book
Archival Collection
The Southern Nevada Jewish Heritage Project Community Collection is comprised of organizational records, photographs, event programs, and ephemera donated by members of the Southern Nevada Jewish community as part of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas University Libraries’ Southern Nevada Jewish Heritage Project. Materials document the history of the Jewish community and Southern Nevada from 1941 to 2017. The collection provides information about family life, religious rituals, community events, and local businesses and organizations.
Archival Collection
The National War Industries Projects series (1942) contains five binders compiled by the Manager of Industrial Development that detail war projects in Missouri, Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, Nevada, and California.
For each project in each corresponding state, there is a standard form listing the location, a description of area and improvements, cost of project, owner, operator of plant and railroads serving plant, and any affect on Union Pacific property or facilities, including whether new access track or other changes to facilities was required. Types of projects include processing, production, manufacturing, and assembly plants, supply depots, training camps and airfields, Japanese and alien internment camps, and prisoner of war camps. There is an index of projects by both state and type of plant.
Archival Component
Color transparency of the Sands Hotel marquee advertising "Dean Martin and Friend Francis Brunn" from January 22, 1964.
Archival Component
Archival Component