The inside of the invitation including the class roll and two of the people it was celebrating (Miss Rose and Thomas Beko) who were both graduating in the Tonopah High School Gymnasium.
The inside of the invitation for Catherinw Banovich with the class list where it says the commencements exereises will be held at the Tonopah high school auditorium at eight o'clock.
The front of the postcard is a landscape of somewhere in Yugoslavia in the winter. The landscape is covered in snow and on the front is printed "Sretan boži?" which means Merry Christmas in Croatian.
Addressed to Marko Dobro in Tonopah (Nev.), with a written message in what is believed is Croation. In the corner you can see the postage stamp from Yugoslavia.
The inside of the invitation honoring graduate Olga Beko, including the class roll, class flower, class colors, and class motto. It also says the commencement will be held at the Tonopah High School auditorium at 8:15.
High scaling during early constuction at Boulder Dam [left], Transporting men by cableway, Boulder Dam [middle], Boulder Dam dowstream face and power house [right], 1931-1936