Gamblers crowd around a roulette table to place their bets at the Tonopah Club. The man to the left appears to be a pit boss while the man next to him spins the roulette wheel. Site Name: Tonopah Club
Foundation plan for pavilion building at Zion National Park, Utah, showing north and south wing additions. Includes detailed drawings for Sections A-H. Scale: 1/4" = 1'0". "Dr. by N.D.B." "#15782-A. Sheet no. 1. Job no. 348. Date: 12/12/25." "Recommended by D.R. Hull per T.C. Unit, Landscape Eng. N.P.S. Approved by Stephen T. Mather, Director, N.P.S." "Rev. 1/11/26, 1/28/26, 3/2/26." Site Name: Zion National Park (Utah)
Roof plan for pavilion building at Zion National Park, Utah, showing north and south wing additions. Scale: 1/4" = 1'0". "Dr. by N.D.B." "#15782-D. Sheet no. 4. Job no. 348. Date: 12/12/25." "Recommended by D.R. Hull per T.C. Unit, Landscape Eng. N.P.S. Approved by Stephen T. Mather, Director, N.P.S." "Rev. 1/11/26, 3/2/26." Site Name: Zion National Park (Utah)
Foundation plan for pavilion building at Zion National Park, Utah, including north and south wing additions. Includes sections. Scale: 1/4" = 1'0". "Dr. by N.D.B." "As constructed. 15782-A. Sheet no. 1. Job no. 348. Date 12/12/25." "Recommended by D.R. Hull per T.C. Unit, Landscape Eng. N.P.S. Approved by Stephen T. Mather, Director, N.P.S." "Rev. 1/11/26, 1/28/26." Site Name: Zion National Park (Utah)
Roof plan for pavilion building at Zion National Park, Utah, showing north and south wing additions. Scale: 1/4" = 1'0". "Dr. by N.D.B." "As constructed. 15782-D. Sheet no. 4. Job no. 348. Date 12/12/25." "Recommended by D.R. Hull per T.C. Unit, Landscape Eng. N.P.S. Approved by Stephen T. Mather, Director, N.P.S." "Rev. 1/11/26." Site Name: Zion National Park (Utah)
Plan, elevations and sections of fire pit and refuse enclosure buidling at Zion National Park, Utah. "Dr. by D.A.E. Sheet No. 9. Job. No. 258. Date 6/28/25. Recommended for Approval Dan R. Hull, Chief Landscape Engineer, N.P.S." Additional title: Fire circle & refuse enclosure. Site Name: Zion National Park (Utah)
Transcribed from the picture, "Northern Paiute - 10. After the Northern Paiutes were placed on reservations and could no longer hunt or gather food freely, the U.S. Government provided them with food rations or commodities. These food rations came in the form of flour, beans, bacon, sugar, coffee and meat. Bobbie Dodd and Hastings Pancho, shown here, are preparing to distribute meat. Inter-Tribal Council of Nevada. Courtesy of Katie Frazier."