Margaret Lilland, secretary to six commanders of Nellis Air Force Base, being honored at a luncheon by her bosses, June 18, 1978. Back row, standing left to right: Cesar Martinez (Colonel USAF, Ret.); Richard Ayresman (Colonel USAF, Ret.); Major General James Hildreath; Homer Hansen (Major General USAF, Ret.); And Brigadier General William Drew. Seated left: William S. Chairsell (Major General USAF, Ret.); and R. G. Taylor (Major Genereal USAF, Ret.). Nellis Air Force Base
Dorothy Dorothy with seven officers from the Industrial College of the Armed Forces. Identified from left to right: "1. Dorothy Dorothy, 2. Christensen, Col. John M. (USA), 3. [lapel reads Natl. Security Seminar] Kirkpatrick, Lt. Col. Paul F. (USAFR), 4. Stefen, Col. L.L. (USAF), 5. Erb, Col. Theodore H. (USAF), 6. Bagley, Capt. John A. (USN), 7. Parmelee (seated), Capt. C. Harless (USN), 8. Davis (seated), Lt. Col. Clarence." Inscription with photo reads: "DD took the full course along with the reserve officers of So. Nevada." [Identified by Dorothy Dorothy 11-1-84]
Zelzah Oriental Band in Las Vegas, Nevada. Standing in the back row: Henry Ammand, Walter Seibert, Chas. McIntyre, Roy Joombs, Elmer Byrge, John Waweana, Leonard Fayle, Carl Olson, A.W. Blarkman, and Don Spangler. Sitting in the front row: Lloyd Cohan, Chas Thomas, Jerold Riley, Glen Booth (standing) Herman Steiner, Jack Cordero, and John Orem. "Johnman Photography 1125 J street Sacramento Calif."
Firestone Repair School, employees in front of the factory (see the back of the photograph for a full roster of names) September 1926 , Written on the back of the photograph, "Braurie Carslake, N Oramton M.I.T. Augus L Thoruson. Ohio Wesleyan N. Augus L Thoruson. Ohio Wesleyan N. Harold E. Jenkins College of Wooster. William E. Prinston Harold E. Jenkins College of Wooster. William E. Prinston, Lysaoder Dualey. WBA, Chaslea N Roberts Jr. Princeton,...John Grant, Franklin College, Bug Vahey, Georgetown, Earle Glutten, Denison, Augus J Thonson, A.W.U., William.. Pennsylvania, Joseph J Christoff- Carnegie Tech, Walter W Becken- Pennsylvania, Louis G Wreneche- Yale, ... Philip W. Cae- Woorter, Robert W Bullock- Yale, Kenneth S Denison, U of Abron, A.R. Edwards- Oberlin, Don R Haskin- Mich State, David D Porter- O.W.U-W.R.U-Lex., George C Spuadling- Purdue, J. Robert Keache- Butler U.
Dorothy Bell Scans UNLV-Public Lands Institute. Clara is seated on the floor holding a Mickey Mouse toy. Rex is on the right towards the back with a black tie and wearing a hat
'Las Vegas Land and Water Company, Exhibit A.' 'Office of Vice President, Los Angeles, Califormia. January 31, 1951.' Accompanies document: "N"L.D. 2454 (text of lease of the Las Vegas Ranch) (Box 11 Folder W18-1-12). Scale: 1" = 600'.
'Exhibit A.' 'Dec. 29, 1952.' 'I-128.' Scale [ca. 1:3,600]. 1 in.=300 feet. Shows water pipelines, other parts of the water system, and power lines to be removed or relocated when land is sold to the Las Vegas Valley Water District. Shows land to be sold and lists power requirements for water system. Includes township and range lines. Library's copy includes hand-written notations and calculations. Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad Company, Office of Vice President?
'Exhibit C.' 'March 1, 1953.' 'I-67.' Scale [ca. 1:7,200] 1 in.=600 feet. Map shows facilities [mainly water-pipes] of Las Vegas Land and Water Company completed and those under construction as of September 1, 1952, and facilities which were commenced after September 1, 1952, and prior to March 1, 1953. Map made as part of the papers for the sale of Las Vegas Land and Water Company facilities to the Las Vegas Valley Water District. Shows township and range lines. Library's copy has hand-written notes in pencil. Las Vegas Land and Water Company?