'Compiled by C. A. Liddell, U.S. Mineral Surveyor, Tonopah, Nevada, from surveys by Sherwin, Giles and Liddell.' Published between 1908-1913? Scale [ca. 1:7,200]. 1 in. equals 600 feet. Map printed on linen.
Handwritten inscription on photograph's top right corner: "Grandmother's yard in New Lisbon, Wisconsin." Supplementary description given: "The Miles McWhorter house; Miles and Janet McWhorter were Delphine Squires' maternal grandparents."
A black and white image of a young woman (presumably Olive Lake-Eglington) with accompanying handwritten description: "Olive-near Stewart Ranch" Site Name: Las Vegas Ranch (Las Vegas, Nev.)
Black and white image of two barefooted boys, Buster and Boone Wilson, at Wilson Ranch. They were Tweed Wilson's sons by Annie, who was the daughter of Indian Ben.
Black and white image of Olive Lake-Eglington's family's home with the following handwritten description: "Our Home - 128 N. 3rd St." Note: Image is from a family photo album that was loaned to UNLV Libraries Special Collections and returned to the family on July 17, 1984.
Black and white image of Mr. and Mrs. McGriff and his mother in front of a building on McGriff Ranch with the accompanying description: "At McGriff Ranch South of [Las] Vegas where I lived while teaching at Paradise Valley."