Drawings of exterior elevations A, B, C and D for the Rugar residence, Las Vegas, Nevada. "Sheet no. 8 of 20." "James Brooks McDaniel, A.I.A., Architect." "Job no. R62-1." "Drawn by J.M. Checked by J.Mc." "Scale: 1/4" = 1'-0"." Site Name: Rugar residence
At top of map: 'United States, Department of Interior, Geological Survey. Professional Paper 374-E, plate 1.' In lower right corner of map: 'Geology mapped by C.R. Longwell.' Relief shown by contours. Includes seven colored cross-sections. Scale 1:125,000 (W 114°50´--W 114°20´/N 36°10´--N 35°10´). Series: Shorter contributions to general geology. Professional paper (Geological Survey (U.S.)) 374-E. Originally published as plate 1 in: Reconnaissance geology between Lake Mead and Davis Dam, Arizona-Nevada / by Chester R. Longwell, published by the U.S. Government Printing Office in 1963 in the series Shorter contributions to general geology and as Geological Survey professional paper 374-E.
Guest register for the Hotel Nevada which opened on the southeast corner of Main Street and Fremont Street in Las Vegas in 1906. This particular volume lists guest names and their home cities for the period spanning July 1910 through September 1911.
Site Name: Hotel Nevada (Las Vegas, Nev.)
The University of Nevada, Las Vegas Department of Theatre Records (approximately 1960-2017) are mainly comprised of the records of Ellis Pryce-Jones who was a faculty member in the Theatre Arts Department from 1972 to 2004 and Jerry L. Crawford who served as chair of the Theatre Department and the Dean of the College of Fine Arts. Records mainly represent shows produced by the Theatre Arts Department as well as documenting the evolution of the department over the years. The records document curricula used for courses, video recordings of the department's performances, and posters and other materials used to market shows. Additionally, there is a small portion of documentation from other theaters where staff and students performed and worked, some of which are located in Southern Nevada.