Exterior elevations and details for a residential home on Fifth Place in Las Vegas, Nevada. Sheet no. 4. "Drw. D.H."
Architecture Period: Mid-Century ModernistImage
Subtitle: 'On N 1/2 of SW 1/4 section 27, T 20 S, R 61 E, M.D. Mer. showing cast iron water mains. Including location and distances of valves, fire hydrants, house connections, etc. Constructed by Las Vegas Land &Water Company. Construction completed Nov. 25-1927. Cast iron pipe system throughout made at Provo, Utah by Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe Company. R.N. Clark, Construction Engineer. Map and survey made by J.T. McWilliams, C.E., Las Vegas, Nev.' Map shows ownership of some parcels of land. Scale [ca. 1:960]. 1 inch to 80 feet. Blueline print. Plat map.