'BLM edition, 1994.' 'Surface management status; mineral management status.' '1:100,000-scale topographic map showing highways, roads and other manmade structures; water features; contours and elevations in meters with conversions to feet; BLM recreation sites.' 'Edited and published by the Bureau of Land Management. Base map prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey.' I53:11/4-2
Hand-drawn map of St. Thomas, Nevada (ca. 1914-1932) which was abandoned in 1933 due to the construction of Hoover Dam and is now covered by Lake Mead, as remembered by Merle Frehner (a former resident of St.Thomas). Buildings and residences on map are numbered and explained in a key. "Mormon plat assumed." Scale: 1 1/2 in. = 300 ft.