Original publisher: Rand, McNally & Co. Scale [ca. 1:1,203,840). 1 inch to 19 miles. Originally published as p. 316-317 of Rand McNally's commercial atlas of America. Title in right margin: Nevada : commercial atlas of America. Includes township and range grid. Includes index to Nevada railroads and index to principal cities with their populations. Index on verso to counties, towns and natural features in Oregon and Nevada.
'United States Department of the Interior, Geological Survey. Professional paper 712-C, plate 3.' 'Prepared on behalf of the Atomic Energy Commission.' 'Base from U.S. Geological Survey Caliente, Death Valley, Goldfield, and Las Vegas, 1954.' 'Hydrochemistry by I. J. Winograd, 1965.' 'Interior--Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia--1975.' Relief shown by contours. Contour interval 200 feet. Shows township and range lines. Scale 1:250,000 (W 117°--W 115°/N 38°--N 36°). Series: Professional paper (Geological Survey (U.S.)) 712-C. Issued as plate 3 from U.S. Geological Survey professional paper 712-C, Hydrogeologic and hydrochemical framework, south-central Great Basin, Nevada-California, with special reference to the Nevada Test Site, by I.J. Winograd, and William Thordarson, published in 1975 by the U.S. Geological Survey.
Relief shown by hachures. Added title: Rand McNally's new business map of Nevada. Shows range and township grid. Shows railroads. Color used to show boundaries of counties. Includes index to cities. On verso: Indexes to counties, lakes, mountains, rivers, towns, etc. Published by Rand McNally & Co. Scale [ca. 1:1,710,720]. 1 in. equals 27 miles (W 120°--W 114°/N 42°--N 35°). Originally published as pages 263 and 264 of Rand-McNally indexed atlas.