A color image of people celebrating New Year's Eve on Fremont Street in downtown Las Vegas. Fireworks are visible, as are neon signs for Union Plaza, the Pioneer Club's Vegas Vic and the Sassy Sally's Vegas Vicky.
From the Fedora Bontempi Simpkin Photograph Collection (PH-00239). From left to right is Olea Rowley, Clark County Pioneer Mother of the Year; Lt. Gov. Myron Leavitte; Stella Medina, Clark County Exemplary Mother; Rheba Washington, Clark County Educational Mother; and Jeanne Hood, Clark County Executive Mother in 1979.
From the Fedora Bontempi Simpkin Photograph Collection (PH-00239). From left to right is Nevada Lieutenant Governor Bob Rose; Donna Eadie, 1978 Clark County Youngest Mother; Joyce Straus, 1978 Clark County Creative Arts Mother of the Year.