Postcard of Goldfield, Nevada depicting an artistic rendition of 20 mule team early days. To see the original image the postcard painting was based off of, see pho025749.
'Las Vegas Area Map 3Af.' 'Prepared in cooperation with U.S. Geological Survey.' 'Water Resources Division, U.S. Geological Survey, Carson City, Nevada.' 'Topographic base from U.S. Geological Survey, Las Vegas SE 7 1/2 quadrangle, 1967.' Scale 1:24,000 (W 115°07'30"--W 115°00'00"/N 36°07'30"--N 36°00'00"). Series: Las vegas area map ; 3Af. Urban area maps. Las Vegas area map ; 3Af. Relief shown by contour lines and spot heights. Title in margins of map: Las Vegas SE quad. : ground water. Title on publications list on Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology website: Groundwater map of the Las Vegas SE quadrangle. Series: Urban area maps [Las Vegas area map] from publications list on Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology website. Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology