The University of Nevada, Las Vegas Graduate Student Association Photographs consist of photographs documenting the Graduate Student Association's elections, activities, and events from approximately 1980 to 1983. The collection includes color prints and polaroid photographs from art auctions, award ceremonies, picnic activities, and holiday events.
The University of Nevada, Las Vegas Vice President of Administration Records (1973-1983) contains the professional correspondence of Brock Dixon, Vice President of Administration at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) from 1976 to 1983. Materials include include letters from Dixon to the Affirmative Action Officer, UNLV campus administrators, and departments from other United States colleges and universities.
Photographs from MGM Mirage Corporation Records (MS-00096) -- Visual materials -- Photographic slides -- Photographic slides of assorted hotels file. One photo, circa 1945-1951, shows the Golden Nugget, Hotel Apache, Pioneer Club, Boulder Club, and Eldorado Club. The other photo, circa 1981-1995, shows the Pioneer Club, Union Plaza, Coin Castle, Sassy Sally's, and Glitter Gulch.