Clarence Johnson (left) and "Josephine" Gail Johnson (right) in Millers, Nevada. Handwritten message provided with image: "Dear Nan and Rufe, Will send you some pictures now and next time will write. You will know who this is. Harvey took it about two weeks ago. Jessie and Clarence (Johnson) are here now. He lost his job at Millers and he will get work here if he can. But so far has not. Hayden came with them as his... (card ends). - postcard, L-R: 1) Clarence Johnson; 2) Josephine Gail Johnson." A second handwritten message provided with the image reads: "'Harvey' is Harvey Lohr, Ollie (Howard) Lohr's husband. "Hayden" is Jessie's youngest brother, James Hayden Howard. Personal interview with Josephine Johnson Foster, 02/20/80. Elizabeth Nelson Patrick."
'U.S. Geological Survey, George Otis Smith, Director.' 'R.U. Goode, Geographer in charge. Triangulation by U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey. Topography by W.J. Peters. Surveyed in 1902-1903.' 'Edition of Mar. 1904, reprinted Apr. 1910.' Oriented with north toward the upper left. Relief shown by contours and hachures. Scale 1:12,000 (W 117°14´--W 117°12´/N 38°05´--N 38°03´)