'Mapped, edited and published by the Geological Survey in cooperation with the Atomic Enegry Commission. Control by USGS, USC&GS, USCE, and Atomic Energy Commission. Topography from aerial photographs by photogrammetric methods. Aerial photographs taken 1959. Field check 1961.' Scale 1:24,000 polyconic projection (W 116°07'30"--W 116°00'00"/N 36°52'30"--N 36°45'00"). Series: 7.5 minute series (topographic). Relief shown by contours and spot heights. Contour interval 20 feet. Includes quadrangle location map. Interior--Geological Survey For sale by the U.S. Geological Survey
Note: Ball was under the high patronage of His Excellency Baron de Renzis di Montanaro, Ambassador of H. M. the King of Italy; Supper served in the Renaissance, Egyptian and Louis XV Saloons Menu insert: Music Programs; Dancing engagement cards Restaurant: The Monico Location: London, England
58 x 46 cm., on sheet 84 x 87 cm., folded in envelope 30 x 24 cm. Relief shown by contours and spot heights. "Contour interval 20 feet." "Prepared in cooperation with the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission." "Geology mapped in 1961. Limit of pluvial Groom Lake and faults from photographs mapped by R. B. Colton, 1962." Includes text, bibliography, location map, and 5 col. cross sections. Original publisher: Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, Series: Geologic quadrangle map GQ, Scale: 1:24 000.
'Johnson's California, also Utah, Nevada, Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona, published by A.J. Johnson, New York.' 'Entered according to Act of Congress in the Year 1864, by A.J. Johnson in the Clerks Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York.' Atlas page numbers in upper margin: 66-67. Relief shown by hachures. Prime meridians: Greenwich and Washington, D.C. Shows proposed railroads, locations of Indian tribes, natural features, counties, mines, mail routes, trails and routes of exploring expeditions. On verso: History and statistics of Mexico and Central America and statistics of national finances and the Post Office of the United States, 1860. Scale [ca. 1:3,484,800. 1 in. to ca. 55 miles] (W 123°--W 103°/N 42°--N 32°)
'Compiled by Geo. E. Sherer and W.B. Milliken, miners and surveyors, Bull Frog, Nye Co., Nevada.' 'Photo. Lith. Britton & Rey, S.F.' Scale [ca. 1:16,800. 1 inch to approximately 1,400 feet]. Blueline print.