80.1 A train yard. ; 80.2 Unidentified woman. ; 80.3 Photo identified as Lucy, 1924. ; 80.4 Photo of a Noah's Ark-carnival. ; 80.5 Lucy, 1919. ; 80.6 Train yard, same as P80.1. ; 80.7 Photo of a Salt Lake rain engine, #3430. Photo was identified as 'Passenger Pigs.'
83.1 Shriners in a parade in Reno. ; 83.2 Shriners in a parade. ; 83.3 Shriners in a parade. ; 83.4 The Shriners on Mackay Field, 1926. ; 83.5 Shriners in a parade. ; 83.6 The Shriners on Mackay Field, 1926. ; 83.7 Oriental Band, Islam. Shriners at Mackay Field. ; 83.8 Shriners in a parade. ; 83.9 Shriners in a parade.
89.1 Mountains near Mt. Shasta. ; 89.2 The Sacramento River. ; 89.3 The Columbia River. ; 89.4 Three unidentified people in Portland. ; 89.5 Black Butter Mountain, northwest of Mt. Shasta. ; 89.6 Steamer Undine to Laugtin, Washington with the fire chiefs.
90.1 Highway bridge Portland, Oregon; one of 7. ; 90.2 Across the Umpaqua River at Winchester (Roseburg), Oregon. ; 90.3 Photo of Mt.. Shasta. ; 90.4 Photo of the Fresno fire truck, Mt. Shasta in background ; 90.5 Photo of unidentified river. ; 90.6 Photo of someone on the SP ferry.
92.1 Willamette River in Oregon. ; 92.2 Portland Country Club. Photo identified as Gold Club across the Willamette. ; 92.3 The gang. ; 92.4 Portland. Photo of a bridge. ; 92.5 Willamette River. ; 92.6 Inman and Larry Sears in the Siskiyou.
99.1 Unidentified mountains. ; 99.2 Rogue River, Oregon. ; 99.3 Willamette River, Oregon. ; 99.4 Deception, California. Waves hitting the beach.; 99.5 Columbia from Vista House. Columbia through a smoke screen. ; 99.6 Santa Barbara, California. Waves hitting the beach.
102.1 Photo of burros tied to a post. ; 102.2 Two burros. ; 102.3 Unidentified beach. ; 102.4 The hack and Mt. Shasta. ; 102.5 Bowers Mansion. ; 102.6 Las Vegas High School