Description given with photo: "Howard Hughes Carries His Lunch Tray Cafeteria Style - Washington, D.C. Howard Hughes is shown selecting his luncheon cafeteria style during a short recess of the Senate investigation of his wartime plane contracts. Along with Thomas A. Slack, his counsel, the millionaire plane builder had his luncheon in the cafeteria of the Senate office building, while Senator Homer Ferguson, (R) Michigan the Sub-Committee Chairman, called the recess due to the absence of the witnesses summoned to the inquiry at Hughes' request. 11/8/47." Hand-written description on back of photo: "Howard Hughes & Atty. Thomas Slack have bite in Senate Office Bldg. 11/8/47."
Howard Hughes sits in a chair in front of a film editing desk. Behind the desk are shelves holding various reels of film. A film editing machine is seen on the desk. This second image is nearly identical to the first, except Hughes has a mustache.
Top view of the Hughes H-1 Racer with an X painted over its R registration number on its starboard wing. The registration number NX 258Y is seen on the rudder. The back of hte image has information about the record-breaking flight using this plane.