Bound proposal for Thunderbird expansion including artist's conceptions, site map, and drawings of main architectural elements. This project was not built. Folder on last page marked "additional criteria" is empty.
Site Name: Thunderbird Hotel
Address: 2755 Las Vegas Boulevard South
Bound proposal for a hotel/casino in the Atlantic City Convention Center including artist's conception, vicinity map, site map, and architectural drawings of all main components. This plan was not built. It appears to be an early iteration of the Playboy.
Site Name: Atlantic City Convention Center
Address: Atlantic City, NJ
Bound proposal for the Atlantic City Showboat including artist's conceptions, vicinity map, shade impact study, and architectural drawings for all major components.
Site Name: Showboat Hotel and Casino (Atlantic City)
Address: 801 Boardwalk, Atlantic City, NJ
Bound proposal for a Circus Circus expansion including site map and drawings of main architectural elements. This project was not built.
Site Name: Circus Circus Las Vegas
Address: 2880 Las Vegas Boulevard South
Bound proposal for Playboy Hotel and Casino including artist's conceptions, vicinity map, themes, and architectural drawings for all major components. Includes note on protective cover: "First concept, Constructed as modified."
Site Name: Playboy Hotel and Casino (Atlantic City)
Address: Florida Ave & Boardwalk, Atlantic City, NJ