Description given with photo: "The Senator's Lady Is Sympathetic, Washington, D.C. - Mrs. Claude Pepper, wife of the Senator from Florida, is shown shaking hands with Howard Hughes, millionaire plane-builder, as he emerged from the Senate War Investigating Committee hearing room after yesterday's session on the witness stand. Mrs. Pepper has been a constant spectator at the hearings. Standing beside Hughes is tome Slack, his counsel. Photo by G.B. Kress. 8/9/47.
Description printed on photograph's accompanying sheet of paper: "Hughes guest at National Press Club. Washington, D. C. -- After personally thanking Secretary of State Cordell Hull for his assistance in clearing the way for their round-the-world flight, Howard Hugehs and his four daring companions were guests at a luncheon of the National Press Club here, July 21st. Here Hughes is shown as he was congratulated at the club by Major General Oscar Westover, Chief of the Army Air Corps. Left to right: Howard Hughes, Constantine A. Dumansky, Counselor of the Soviet Embassy: General Westover, Jesse Jones, Chairman of the R. F. C. and Count De Saint-Quentin, the French Embassador."
A black and white oversized picture of the Salle De Concert inside Casino Monte Carlo which is located in Monaco on the southern coast of France. In French, "Salle De Concert" means 'concert hall.'