Nighttime B-roll of MGM Grand and New York New York. Interview with a resident and B-roll of an unidentified housing shelter. Original media BetacamSP, color, aspect ratio 4 x 3, frame size 720 x 486. From the UNLV TV Audiovisual Collection (UA-00098) – Digitized audiovisual material file.
Howard Hughes talking with an engineer at the rear of the flight deck of Hughes Flying Boat at Terminal Island in the Los Angeles Harbor (now known as Long Beach).
The Hughes Aircraft Company Weapons System Publications (approximately 1965-2011) contain brochures, booklets, photographs, and illustrations of the AWG-9/Phoenix Air Superiority Weapon Control System developed by Hughes Aircraft Company Aerospace Systems Division based in California. The collection contains photographs of various aircraft, as well as a Supersonic Naval Ordnance Research Track (SNORT) test at the Naval Ordnance Test Station near China Lake, California.