Description given with photo: "Hughes Moves To Press Table To Hear Brewster Testimony, Washington, D.C.: -After complaining that he could not hear Senator Brewster's testimony, Howard Hughes took a seat with United Press at the press table. Hughes is pictured above, his head cocked to a public address system loudspeaker, at today's morning session before the Senate War Investigating Subcommittee. Creditline (ACME) 8/7/47."
Transcribed from attached press release: "HUGHES READY FOR TAKE-OFF IN SECOND XF-11 FLIGHT. CULVER CITY, Calif., April 5. Howard Hughes, famed flier-industrialist, recovered from injuries following crash last July 7, is shown here just before he test-piloted today a duplicate of the plane in which he nearly lost his life. He designed and built the plane, designated XF-11, and one of the world's fastest photo-reconnaissance ships, for the Army Air Forces in conjunction with the Air Materiel Command engineers."
Description given with photo: "Hughes And Dietrich Check Statements, Washington: Howard Hughes (seated) and Noah Dietrich, vice president of the Hughes Tool Co., look over their files and statements as the Senate War Investigating Subcommittee's hearing got under way, Aug. 8. Dietrich testified that a former chief of the Army Air Forces Procurement Offices said he would never buy an airplane from Hughes because he didn't like him. Credit (ACME) 8/8/47."
Description given with photo: "Brewster Denies Hughes' Sworn Charge Of Blackmail. Washington, D.C., Chairman Brewster, ( R ) of Maine, of the Senate War Investigating Committee, today elaborated on his sworn denial of Hughes' charge that he offered to quash the inquiry if Hughes would agree to merge the Trans-World Airline with Pan-American Airways. Howard Hughes, at table, facing camera, center, listens to Brewster's testimony over a press table loudspeaker. Earlier Hughes accused Brewster of telling "a pack of lies." (Editors: Match above photo at a line through the water glass, right corner of witness table, with identical point in right edge of photo no. 102,259. -INP photo by N.K. Benson- 8/7/47."
Howard Hughes (left, in dark coat) noted designer, builder, and industrialist entering the hull of the Hughes Flying Boat, the largest airplane in the world, as it was nearing completion on Terminal Island in the Los Angeles Harbor. With him is Joe Petralli, assistant director of service and flight.