Description given with photo: "Radar Installed on Passenger Planes Culver City, Calif. -- Radar safety control system (cabinet, left, center) for passenger planes, demonstrated by Howard Hughes in a trans-world airline plane, at Culver City, May 1st. Radar, with 500 and 2,000 foot warning signals, tells the pilot when he is approaching obstacles. Equipment is being installed in planes flying routes from San Francisco eastward to Shanghai. Credit (ACME) 5/3/47."
The black and white view of Howard Hughes in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Description printed on photograph's accompanying sheet of paper: "Howard Hughes talks over refueling at Minneapolis with a Northwest Airlines attendant."
The fuselage of the Hughes Flying Boat is seen in transport on a moving truck rig on a narrow road in the country, on its way to Long Beach Harbor. Small groups of people gather to watch.
Description given with photo: "Hughes Pilots Radar-Equipped Plane Culver City, Calif. -- First passenger plane equipped with radar is flown in demonstration May 1st by Howard Hughes (left) and co-pilot R.C. Loomis over Culver City. Pilots using this equipment will be warned of approaching obstacles by lights flashing on radar panel. Two lights (lefts) with 2,000-foot range, are used to guarantee clearance over mountains; two lights (right) with 500-foot range, are a safety device for approaches and landings. Either set of lights warns against approaching aircraft. Trans-World Airline plans to install radar on its passenger planes. Credit (ACME) 5-3-47."
Description printed on photograph's accompanying sheet of paper: "Group at [Gover] Whalen's home 7/14/38. (Daily News)." Howard Hughes is standing third from the left.