Howard Hughes shakes hands with a young fan, probably after the Senate War Investigating Committee hearings in Washington, D.C., August 1947. Two police officers and a woman onlooker stand nearby.
A section of Howard Hughes' "Spruce Goose" or "Flying Boat" being moved (with a police escort) from the Hughes Aircraft plant in Culver City, California to Terminal Island in the Los Angeles Harbor where the plane was assembled in June of 1946.
Description given with photo: "Howard Hughes Flying Boat at Terminal Island. (Inside fuselage to the rear taken from forward section) Long Beach, Cal."
Transcribed from attachment to photo: "TOUGH TEST - A hard formation drilling test is begun in the big laboratory at Hughes Tool Company, Houston, Texas, where any drilling condition found anywhere in the world can be duplicated. Here, where the vast majority of rock bits used in the U. S. and Canada are produced, is the cornerstone of Howard Hughes' industrial empire; it was principally the income from the oil drilling equipment company which enables Hughes to branch out into many other fields."
Description printed on photograph's accompanying sheet of paper: "Howard Hughes receiving the plaudets of the crowd during his reception in New York City. 7-15-38 (Press Association)."
Description printed photograph's accompanying sheet of paper: "They also flew! New York City--- Heroes yesterday, spectators today. Standing obscurely on the sidelines while New York acclaimed Howard Hughes and his four companions with a typical ticker-tape parade up Broadway, were two men respective aeronautical feats also set the world agog. Second from left is Capt. J. Erroll Boyd, who flew from Toronto, Can, to London in 1930. On that flight he had as his companion and navigator Harry P. M. Connor, who served in the same capacity on the Hughes flight. Beside Boyd, (smoking cigarette) is Roger Q. Williams, who, in 1929, flew from Old Orchard Beach, ME, to Rome. Credit Line (ACME) 7/15/38 (FULL)"