From the Howard Cannon Photograph Collection (PH-00192). Mr. Carl Ardery, pilot of the New Republic F-105F, who is demonstrating the aircraft and procedures.
Howard Hughes (second from the right) standing with other unidentified men near his plane in the hangar at the Grand Central Air Terminal in Los Angeles.
Description given with photo: "Hughes Required To Submit Questions At Inquiry In Writing, Washington, D.C. --- The sub-committee investigating the Hughes War Time plane contracts, ruled today that a standing committee rule would be effective in requiring that questions must be put in writing, and presented to the committee thru counsel of the principals involved. here, Sen. Homer Ferguson, R., of Mich. Chairman of the subcommittee is shown receiving a written question from Howard Hughes the millionaire plane builder, to be put to one of the witnesses summoned to the inquiry at Hughes' request. INP Photo by G.B. Kress. 11/8/47." Also hand written on the back of the photo: "Howard Hughes and Sen. Claude Pepper 11/8/47."