An image of the Culver City Boy Scouts with Police Chief Truschel in Boulder City. Transcribed from bottom border of image: "Copr. 1935, Paramount Productions, Inc. Permission granted for Newspaper and Magazine reproductions. (Made in U.S.A.)."
Howard Hughes (standing) on the set of the motion picture, "The Outlaw." The movie set resembles the interior of a stable. Three unidentified crew members work on the set.
Description given with photo: "Hughes Inquiry Postponed, Washington D.C. : - In jovial mood despite "surprise" postponement of the Senate War Investigating Committee's Hughes inquiry, Howard Hughes, (center) chats briefly with reporters before leaving for the west coast. Hughes told reporters he would "welcome" reopening of the hearings any time. Creditline (ACME) 8/11/47."