Description given with photo: "Hughes Arrives In New York: La Guardia Field, New York, N.Y. -- Completing his first air journey since his near-fatal test-flight accident July 7, Howard Hughes, airplane designer, pilot and movie producer, is interviewed by reporters after piloting his converted B-23 transport to a midnight landing here tonight at La Guardia Field. Hughes interrupted his convalescence to fly here from Culver City, Calif., with a stop-over in Kansas City. In New York, Hughes planned to cover with his attorneys regarding steps to protect his property rights in connection with the motion picture, "The Outlaw", which recently had its seal of approval revoked by the Motion Picture Association."
From the Howard Cannon Photograph Collection (PH-00192). Handwritten on verso: "Senator Cannon; Paul Palmer, American Legion Post #51; Robert Weeks, Commander, American Legion Post #51, behind flag; J. Earl Cunningham, 1st Vice commander American Legion Post #51; Olie (?) Cluff, ready to raise the flag; Sam Neimyer, fastening flag to be raised"
From the Howard Cannon Photograph Collection (PH-00192). Stamped on verso: "John J Nulty Photographer 230 Tahoe Drive Carson City, Nevada Tel. GR. 2-2603"
Description given with photo: "Hughes Holds Press Conference After Arrival, New York -- Mustached Howard Hughes stands alone as he is interviewed at Laguardia Airport late Sept. 11 after his arrival from Kansas City only recently recovered from injuries sustained when a plane he was testing crashed, Hughes flew to New York to confer with attorneys regarding the banning of a film he produced. Creditline (ACME) 9/12/46."