Howard Hughes landing in the Lockheed 14 in New York. Typed on a piece of paper attached to the image: "Howard Hughes lands in New York in flight from coast New York City-- the huge Lockheed "Flying Laboratory" of Howard Hughes, oil millionaire and air speed racer, being taxied to its hangar at Floyd Bennet field here, July 4th, shortly after landing on its leisurely trip from the Pacific Coast. Hughes and his crew will take off in it next week on a flight to Paris which may be followed by a flight around the world."
Description printed on photograph's accompanying sheet of paper: "Howard Hughes Guest at National Press Club. Washington, D. C. -- Howard Hughes, multi-millionaire round-the-world flyer is pictured as he spoke at the National Press Club here, July 21st, where he and his four companions were guests at a luncheon of the club. Hughes and the members of his crew on the flight visited Washington to personally thank Secretary of State Cordell Hull for his assistance in the clearing of their plane. Credit Line (ACME) 7/21/38."
Howard Hughes talking to unidentified men who are presumably members of the press most likely about his completion of his Round the World flight in New York City, New York.
The black and white view of the Lockheed 14 aircraft in New York, New York. Typed on a piece of paper attached to the image: "Readying Hughes' plane for Paris flight. Hughes's Lockheed 14 monoplane in shape for a flight from Floyd Bennett Airport here, to Paris. Motor trouble forced postponement and helpers were working under injunction to have the ship ready for a takeoff July 9 "at the earliest possible moment." Photo shows: General view of crowd watching plane being serviced outside hangar. Credit Line (ACME) 7/9/1938."