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Robert Worts Photographs




The Robert Worts Photographs depict the Corn Creek Ranch in Nevada from 1936 to 1939. Located northwest of Las Vegas, Nevada, Corn Creek Ranch was home to writer George F. Worts in the late 1930s. Materials in the collection include photographs of Worts, buildings on Corn Creek Ranch, and a camp on Mount Charleston.

Archival Collection

Blue Diamond Mine Photograph Collection




The Blue Diamond Mine Photograph Collection depicts operations at the Blue Diamond Mine from approximately 1950 to 1971. The photographs include images of heavy machinery, mining structures, and workers. The photographs also contain aerial views of Blue Diamond Mine and the surrounding landscape.

Archival Collection

University of Nevada, Las Vegas Women's Studies Department Records




Records are comprised of memoranda, committee minutes, and planning documents from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) Women's Studies Department from 1966 to 1993. The records document the inception of both the Women's Center and Women's Studies program at UNLV. The materials from the Women's Center document the efforts of UNLV staff to begin a women's center on campus and efforts to create a Women's Studies program.

Archival Collection

Photographs of Las Vegas World Souvenirs signs, Las Vegas (Nev.), 2002




Daytime and nighttime views of the Las Vegas World Souvenirs signs on the Strip. Information about the sign is available in the Southern Nevada Neon Survey Data Sheet.
Site address: 3710 S Las Vegas Blvd
Sign owner: property leased from MGM Mirage
Sign details: Located in the same lowrise building which the Las Vegas Helicopter Tours is located. See Las Vegas Helicopter Tours.
Sign condition: Structure 5 Surface 5 Lighting 5 All of the lighting, surface, and structure seem to be intact, and in good repair. The signage appears fairly new, and less worn.
Sign form: Fascia
Sign-specific description: The Las Vegas World Souvenir shop and market, boasts a collection of signage, almost completely crafted out of channel letters. The basic design is an entablature created on the wall above a pedestrian's head. The entablature runs along the south, east, and north faces of the building. The design is essentially channel letter words separated by channel designed stars. On the south wall the sequence reads, "star shape, 'drinks,' star, 'souvenirs,' star then 'market'." The interior of the star shapes are lined along the contours with yellow neon. The all caps lettering has red neon tubing on the interior. The sequence on the east side of the building reads from left to right, " star shape, 'Souvenirs,' star shape, 'Las Vegas World,' star shape, 'drinks,' then another star shape." The words "souvenir" and "drinks" are spelled in the same text and size as the south side, while the phrase "Las Vegas World" is larger fulfilling most of the height of the entablature. The north side of the building is similar to that on the south. This side reads , "Souvenirs, star shape, 'Market,' star shape, 'Film,' and another star shape." On the wall below the pediment closed face channel letters spell two phrases. The black channel letters are faced with red translucent faces. The first phrase reads , "Daily Grand Canyon Flights," in all caps. The second reads "Nightly strip rides in all capitals.
Sign - type of display: Neon; Incandescent
Sign - media: Steel; Plastic
Sign animation: Chasing
Sign manufacturer: Sign Systems, Inc
Sign - date of installation: 1996
Sign - thematic influences: There is no real present theme evident in the appearance other than the Emblem of the American flag crafted in neon on the front of the building. The incandescent bulb lined raceways and bulb filled channel letters, placed within a pediment hanging above the pedestrians head, posses a theme in a sense. It is a common occurrence to see such a combination of lighting among the strip to designate an establishment so its theme cold be considered to be that of Las Vegas. It's artistic significance can only be linked to such a trait. It is one of the most unique properties considering its function. Yes there are many facilities which offer tours but, this is the only one which provides helicopter tours that the pedestrian may watch take off. It is also one of the only establishments where the American flag is represented on the exterior in neon. It is also one of the only establishments where the incandescent bulb lined raceway is shaped into arrows. An interesting use of the most common adornment of exterior surveyed signage.
Surveyor: Joshua Cannaday
Survey - date completed: 2002
Sign keywords: Chasing; Fascia; Neon; Incandescent; Steel; Plastic

Mixed Content

Photograph of Le Thai sign, Las Vegas (Nev.), April 10, 2016


2016-04-10 to 2017-08-15


The sign for Le Thai restaurant sits at 523 Fremont Street in Downtown Las Vegas. Information about the sign is available in the Southern Nevada Neon Survey Data Sheet.
Site address: 523 Fremont St
Sign owner: Dan and Shauna Coughlin, Dan doubles as the chef as well
Sign details: The buildings original construction year was 1934. The restaurant opened in November of 2011, Le Thai offers a famous Three curry made by Chef Dan Coughlin as well as other traditional Thai food inspired by Dans grandma and mom from Thailand. They also have a beer garden behind their main restaurant. Dan was the owner to Mix zone cafe and is the son of the owner of the King and I (Nikki Bujadham). This building has a tin facade with a pull out canopy for outdoor seating.
Sign condition: 5- looks very new and in amazing condition
Sign form: Blade
Sign-specific description: The blade is mainly made of plastic that is backlit at night time, but has a dark steel border. At the top of the sign is a circle that has Le written in black cursive on the sign, and illuminates red neon at night. Also on this circle portion of the sign it states Downtown Las Vegas in a smaller print type font. This circle is outlined in incandescents, as well as the incandescents being surrounded by red neon. Below the circle there is a red curved arrow that states Thai in black letters that have a white trim, this font looks italicized and has little circles on a part of each of the letters, this makes it a very distinct font for them specifically. Underneath the Words Thai, the sign states Noodles & Bar in a regular white block type font.
Sign - type of display: Incandescent light bulbs and neon
Sign - media: Plastic and Steel
Sign - non-neon treatments: Graphics on plastic portion of the sign are backlit
Sign animation: Chasing:
Notes: incandescent light bulbs
Sign environment: In the East side of Fremont Street, located in between Las Vegas Blvd and 6th street. To the west of the property is the Dont Tell Mama Bar and to the east is Commonwealth. Currently across the street is the Therapy restaurant and the old Emergency Arts building.
Sign manufacturer: YESCO
Sign designer: Owners Shauna and Dan
Sign - date of installation: 2012
Sign - thematic influences: The font that they use for Le and Thai are quite different but it shows the blend of how their restaurant is and does make it more distinguishable since their font draws the attention of people walking by.
Sign - artistic significance: With the usage of both Neon and incandescent the sign really does pop out which is a similar trend to many signs over the age, particularly since there is a lot of pedestrian traffic in the region. The arrow is a great direction indicator, as well as it showcases the 1950s blade sign trend with the arrow at the bottom.
Survey - research locations: Le Thai restaurant website, Assessor's page, and contact with Le Thai LLC
Survey - research notes: The assessor's page said the buildings original construction year was 1934 though there was no record of what it originally opened up as.
Surveyor: Emily Fellmer
Survey - date completed: 2017-08-15
Sign keywords: Graphics; Plastic; Backlit; Steel; Blade; Chasing; Incandescent; Neon; Back to back

Mixed Content

Hazel Baker Denton Papers




Hazel Baker Denton Papers (1907-1957) contain correspondence, family artifacts, scrapbooks, newspaper clippings, and family biographical information. Included are journals that chronicle the years Denton served as an Assemblywoman for the Nevada State Legislature and a copy of her book, Ironing Day, her newspaper columns, and speeches.

Archival Collection

Tony Wuehle Collection




The Tony Wuehle Collection documents the activities of freelance writer, college president, and poker expert Edwin "Tony" Wuehle of Michigan and Las Vegas, Nevada, between the years of 1950 to 2007. The collection consists of copies of Wuehle's regular columns, newsletters, and special articles as they were published in various journals and newspapers, especially those related to poker, the International Home and Private Poker Player's Association (IH3PA), education administration, and religious concerns.

Archival Collection

Jarbidge, Nevada Community Archives Collection




The Jarbidge, Nevada Community Archives Collection contains scanned images from seven archival collections and document the community of Jarbidge, Nevada from approximately 1910 to 2006. The materials were collected from various families living in Jarbidge in 2006 as part of a project led by Carrie Townley Porter. The images depict early Jarbidge structures, surrounding landscape, the Elkoro Mine, and residents of the area. Also included are images of certificates, correspondence, and newspaper articles relating to the families' histories. Also included in the collection are written summaries of ten oral history interviews of Jarbidge residents conducted in 2006. This collection contains digital surrogates only; the owners and Jarbidge Community Archives retain the originals.

Archival Collection

Elizabeth von Till and Claude N. Warren Professional Papers




The Elizabeth von Till and Claude N. Warren Professional Papers (1916-2021) are comprised of the personal and professional papers of anthropologist Claude N. Warren and historical preservationist Elizabth von Till Warren. The materials in this collection primarily consist of research files, maps, and drawings on various archaeological and historical preservation projects in southern Nevada of which they both were involved. This collection includes field notes and surveys from archaeological projects such as the Old Las Vegas Mormon Fort and the Las Vegas Springs Preserve. Records on von Till Warren's involvement with the Old Spanish Trail Association, Southern Nevada Historical Society, and historic preservation work around southern Nevada are represented. Also included are Robert H. Crabtree's archaeological research files, a colleague of Claude Warren who bequeathed his professional files to him upon his death.

Archival Collection