Description given with photo: "Howard Hughes Carries His Lunch Tray Cafeteria Style - Washington, D.C. Howard Hughes is shown selecting his luncheon cafeteria style during a short recess of the Senate investigation of his wartime plane contracts. Along with Thomas A. Slack, his counsel, the millionaire plane builder had his luncheon in the cafeteria of the Senate office building, while Senator Homer Ferguson, (R) Michigan the Sub-Committee Chairman, called the recess due to the absence of the witnesses summoned to the inquiry at Hughes' request. 11/8/47." Hand-written description on back of photo: "Howard Hughes & Atty. Thomas Slack have bite in Senate Office Bldg. 11/8/47."
Incorporating iconic New York symbolism with commercial architecture, the New York New York hotel and casino along the Las Vegas Strip presents an "only in Vegas" tourist attraction complete with a Statue of Liberty replica, seen here reflected in the water surrounding the feature. Coins tossed in by tourists provide the star affect.
Incorporating iconic New York symbolism with commercial architecture, the New York New York hotel and casino along the Las Vegas Strip presents an "only in Vegas" tourist attraction complete with a Statue of Liberty replica, seen here reflected in the water surrounding the feature. Coins tossed in by tourists provide the star affect.