Description given with photo: "Hughes Arrives In New York: La Guardia Field, New York, N.Y. -- Completing his first air journey since his near-fatal test-flight accident July 7, Howard Hughes, airplane designer, pilot and movie producer, is interviewed by reporters after piloting his converted B-23 transport to a midnight landing here tonight at La Guardia Field. Hughes interrupted his convalescence to fly here from Culver City, Calif., with a stop-over in Kansas City. In New York, Hughes planned to cover with his attorneys regarding steps to protect his property rights in connection with the motion picture, "The Outlaw", which recently had its seal of approval revoked by the Motion Picture Association."
The black and white view of the Lockheed 14 aircraft in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Description written on back of photograph: "World-fame drops on City out of blue, sunny skies: Fame came to the municipal airport and the city of Minneapolis in a flash of silver and a roar at 7:38 am, July 14, 1938 when Howard Hughes swooped to Earth in his Droning Silver Bullet on his record breaking round-the-world flight. Photo-courtesy "The Minneapolis Star" Board of Park Commissions. 325 City Hall Minneapolis Minn."
A wide view of a banquet held for Howard Hughes in the Biltmore Hotel in Los Angeles, California. Here, Howard Hughes can be seen via the pointing arrow as he gives a speech.