Oral history interview with Harry Hall conducted by Dennis McBride on June 20, 1986 for the Boulder City Library Oral History Project. Hall discusses how the hope of work on the dam encouraged his move to Nevada with his mother and stepfather. He then talks at some length about living in a tent in Ragtown, the various illegal bootlegging establishments along the dirt road running between Las Vegas and Boulder City, Nevada, and working on the dam. He continues talking about working conditions, the heat, and the labor strike at the dam in August, 1931.
Archival Collection
Archival Component
From the Sister Klaryta Antoszewska Photograph Collection (PH-00352). The presentation slide reads, "Off-site radiation exposure review project organization chart"
From the Sister Klaryta Antoszewska Photograph Collection (PH-00352). The presentation slide lists the steps required to conduct atmospheric and underground bomb tests.
From the Sister Klaryta Antoszewska Photograph Collection (PH-00352). The presentation slide title reads, "Underground nuclear test execution sequence"
From the Sister Klaryta Antoszewska Photograph Collection (PH-00352). The presentation slide title reads, "Nevada operations office interagency relationships"
From the Sister Klaryta Antoszewska Photograph Collection (PH-00352). The presentation slide title reads, "Comparative Radiation Exposures"