Howard Hughes standing in the doorway of his plane and shaking the hand of an unidentified individual amongst a crowd of men at the Grand Central Air Terminal in Los Angeles.
Typed onto a piece of paper attached to the image: "Faved Flyer Visits Washington - Wash, D.C. - Photo shows the crowd pressing forward for a glimpse of Howard Hughes, well known sportsman flyer, as he arrived at Washington Airport in an American Airliner. Photo Credit ACME. 7-21-38. New York Bureau."
Howard Hughes (second from the right) standing with other unidentified men near his plane in the hangar at the Grand Central Air Terminal in Los Angeles.
Description given with photo: "Non-Stop Los Angeles - New York Flight Inaugurated New York -- Howard Hughes, pilot, and Joseph Bartles (right), relief pilot, at the controls of the TWA Constellation which inaugurated non-stop Los Angeles - New York flights when the ship landed at LaGuardia Airport Feb. 15. Hughes, famous flier and TWA executive, was at the controls during the flight made in 8 hours, 38 minutes. Many Hollywood luminaries made the first flight. Credit (ACME). 2-15-46."