26 x 32 cm. Relief shown by hachures. "Entered according to act of Congress in the year 1867 by S. Augustus Mitchell in the Clerks Office of the District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania." Includes decorative border of grape vines. Shows Tucson as capital of Arizona; shows various trails including Cook's Wagon Route, Marcy's Route, and Kearney's Route. Written in pencil in lower right corner: 135. Original publisher: S.A. Mitchell.
The black and white view of Howard Hughes sitting in the Northop Gamma Racer in New York. Text printed on a card included with the image: "Hughes sets new Miami-New York record Howard Hughes, Millionaire flier and pictured in the cockpit of his low-wing Northrop all-metal, plane, shortly after landing in New York, April 21st, 4 hours and 22 minutes after having taken off from Miami, Fla. He had beaten the record established by Jimmy Wedel in July 1933, by 36 minutes."
A view of crowds waiting to see Howard Hughes arrive at Floyd Bennett Field in New York. Typed onto a piece of paper attached to the image: "Plane being towed after record breaking light. 7/14/38. (Daily News)"
From the Howard Cannon Photograph Collection (PH-00192). Left to right are R. W. Notti (Assistant City Manager), A. H. Kennedy (City Manager), Cannon, Shirley Ballinger (City Clerk), Mayor C. D. Baker, Commissioner E. W. Fountain, Commissioner Reed Whipple, Commissioner Harris P. Sharp, and Commissioner Wendell Bunker.