The Department of the Interior was demanding three million gallons of water a day in return for approval to operate a pipeline from Lake Mead to Basic Management Inc.
Letter addresses pending federal legislation's possible influence on the water district's selling of bonds.
On March 2, 1977, Jonathan R. Bellingar interviewed Edward Gregory (born July 28, 1922) about his life in Nevada. The interview takes place at Nellis Air force Base; also present during the interview is an unidentified man. Gregory was born and raised in Nevada; he discusses leaving Nevada to serve in the Army during World War II before eventually returning to Nevada in 1950. The interview concludes with a brief overview of how Nellis Air force Base has changed since the 1950s.
Rudy Horst was a prisoner at Auschwitz and was part of the Death March from Warso to Kutno, then transported to Dachau. He was liberated from the camp at Muldorf in 1944. He came to the United States in 1948.