On October 16, 1986, Layne Covington interviewed Elbert Edwards (born 1907 in Panaca, Nevada) about his life in Southern Nevada. Edwards first talks about his family background before talking about what it was like to live in Panaca. He then talks about changes in Southern Nevada, particularly those in Boulder City that have taken place over time. Edwards later talks about the work of his wife and both of their political involvement and his involvement and career in education. The latter part of the interview includes discussion of the building of Boulder Dam, Edwards’ job as a registrar in the Selective Service, and the effects that the war years had on Las Vegas.
Meet A Friendly Machine-Gun Crew! poster from the Las Vegas United Jewish Appeal asking for contributions to aid Jewish refugees. The text across the the front reads: "MEET A FRIENDLY MACHINE-GUN CREW! "America will lose the entire near East -- except for Israel! As long as ISRAEL is HELPED BY AMERICAN JEWRY, Israel can survive as our ONE FRIENDLY OUTPOST in the Near East!" - a statement made by General "Lightening Joe" Collins, former Chief of Staff, United States Army, at the Army and Navy Club, Washington, D.C., on July 1. 1958. TODAY IS AN EMERGENCY!! 80,000 persecuted Jewish refugees from Poland and Moslem lands must be helped to get to Israel - and quickly! Your contribution to the UNITED JEWISH APPEAL will help the emergency SPECIAL RESCUE FUND of $100,000,000 - and will help build up the newborn state of Israel - to remain strong - well-armed -- fiercely proud of its freedom - ready and able to remain YOUR ONE FRIENDLY OUTPOST IN A HOSTILE PART OF THE WORLD! -wouldn't you feel a little more secure with a friendly outpost guarding your freedom in the Near East? Las Vegas United Jewish Appeal Post Office Box 1981 Las Vegas, Nevada. Carl Cohen, chairman/Co-chairmen: Moe Dalitz and Jacob Kozloff/Nevada State Chairman: Edward Levinson"