34 x 24 cm. Relief shown by hachures. Map may be a reprint of a map by George S. Clason, published by the Clason Map Co. in Denver, Colo., in 1906. Map is printed on blue paper. "OPHIR" and a star printed near Pueblo in Nye County. Shows railroad routes.
'Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad Company. Union Pacific Railroad Company. Office of Vice President, Los Angeles, California, June 3, 1952.' 'Dwg. I-128.' Also shows location of land area proposed to be sold to the Las Vegas Valley Water District. Shows other parts of the water system and lists power requirements for water system. Includes township and range lines. Scale [ca. 1:3,600]. 1 in.=300 feet. Library's copy 2 is missing compass on right edge of page and has 'Limits of land which District proposes to buy, 507 Ac.' hand-printed in pencil and area is outlined in red.
42 x 29 cm. Relief shown by hachures. Copyright held by George S. Clason. "Compliments of the Patrick Investment Co. ... Denver, Colorado." Includes index. Shows railroad routes. "We have offices, representatives and properties in every camp marked in red on this map." Original publisher: Clason Map Co..
52 x 110 cm. Relief shown by gradient tints, contours, and spot heights. Contour interval 1,000 feet. "Aeronautical data on this chart includes data received through Sept. 29, 1959." "Consult appropriate NOTAMS and Radio Facility Charts for supplemental data and current information." "Next edition is scheduled in approximately one year." "Base: Edition of May 1956. Revised Sept. 1958." "Lambert Conformal Conic Projection." "Standard Parallels 33° and 45°." "Elko compiled and printed at Washington, D. C. by the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey under authority of the Secretary of Commerce." "Principal sources: U. S. Geological Survey, U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, U. S. Air Force, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, Civil Aeronautics Administration, and the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey." "Base: Edition of May 1956, revised Sept. 1958." "Detailed airport data and other useful information are printed on the back of this chart." Includes text, gradient tints scale and index to adjoining sheets. On verso: text, index map of sectional charts, inset maps of U.S. air defense identification zones and defense area, visual emergency signals, and charts. Original publisher: U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, Scale: 1:500,000.
A. M. S. Jan. 1940 in the lower left-hand corner. 1 map ; 61 x 30 cm. Cadastral map. "No. 40-1" in the lower right-hand corner. Shows block and lot numbers, buildings, water supply and sewage system, leased areas.