First floor (casino level) master plan for the Xanadu Hotel and Casino. Revised in Jaunuary, 1976. Printed on mylar. The Xanadu was to be located where the Excalibur Hotel and Casino currently sits, but it was never built. Berton Charles Severson, architect; Brian Walter Webb, architect.
Site Name: Xanadu Hotel and Casino
Address: 3850 Las Vegas Boulevard South, Las Vegas, NV
Third floor (garden level) master plan for the Xanadu Hotel and Casino. Printed on mylar. The Xanadu was to be located where the Excalibur Hotel and Casino currently sits, but it was never built. Berton Charles Severson, architect; Brian Walter Webb, architect.
Site Name: Xanadu Hotel and Casino
Address: 3850 Las Vegas Boulevard South, Las Vegas, NV
Color sketch of the proposed Xanadu Hotel and Casino ground floor plan. Includes game tabulation. Parchment. The Xanadu was to be located where the Excalibur Hotel and Casino currently sits, but it was never built. Berton Charles Severson, architect; Brian Walter Webb, architect.
Site Name: Xanadu Hotel and Casino
Address: 3850 Las Vegas Boulevard South, Las Vegas, NV
Color sketch of the proposed Xanadu Hotel and Casino garden level floor plan. Parchment. The Xanadu was to be located where the Excalibur Hotel and Casino currently sits, but it was never built. Berton Charles Severson, architect; Brian Walter Webb, architect.
Site Name: Xanadu Hotel and Casino
Address: 3850 Las Vegas Boulevard South, Las Vegas, NV
Sketch of the proposed Xanadu Hotel and Casino luxury suite D on the 21st floor. Includes handwritten text: "to be revised" and revision dates. Original medium: pencil on tracing paper. The Xanadu was to be located where the Excalibur Hotel and Casino currently sits, but it was never built. Berton Charles Severson, architect; Brian Walter Webb, architect.
Site Name: Xanadu Hotel and Casino
Address: 3850 Las Vegas Boulevard South, Las Vegas, NV
Room furnishing plans and percentages of various combinations for the proposed Xanadu Hotel and Casino. Parchment ozalid. The Xanadu was to be located where the Excalibur Hotel and Casino currently sits, but it was never built. Berton Charles Severson, architect; Brian Walter Webb, architect.
Site Name: Xanadu Hotel and Casino
Address: 3850 Las Vegas Boulevard South, Las Vegas, NV
Tower levels three through eight floor plans for a 1959 addition to the Riviera Hotel and Casino. Drawn by J.M. Includes revision dates and interior finish schedule. Facsimile. Murray Erick Associates, structural engineers.
Site Name: Riviera Hotel and Casino
Address: 2901 Las Vegas Boulevard South
Ninth and tenth floor plans including corridor elevations and reflected corridor ceiling plans for the addition of the south wing of the Riviera Hotel and Casino in 1965. Facsimile on parchment.
Site Name: Riviera Hotel and Casino
Address: 2901 Las Vegas Boulevard South
Eleventh floor plan including penthouse and machine room plans for the addition of the south wing of the Riviera Hotel and Casino from 1965. Includes corridor elevations and reflected ceiling plans. Facsimile on parchment.
Site Name: Riviera Hotel and Casino
Address: 2901 Las Vegas Boulevard South
Corner guest room and typical luxury suite plans, elevations, and details for the addition of the south wing of the Riviera Hotel and Casino from 1965. Facsimile on parchment.
Site Name: Riviera Hotel and Casino
Address: 2901 Las Vegas Boulevard South